Sunday, November 13, 2011


I visited a friend in Michigan Oct 28 thru Nov 5.  It was a working vacation, learning from the best in the boat restoration business.  It was a great trip and I learned a lot about wooden boat restoration.  While there, I got to visit A&A Marine and rummage thru the parts storage area.  I purchased the self-bailer assembly, missing from the Sea Maid.

The thru-hull fitting has a flapper that faces aft.  When the boat is moving forward the flapper opens and allows the siphon tube to draw out water from the bilge.  When moving slowly or backing up, the flapper closes to keep water from entering the boat.

The siphon tube sits just above the inner bottom and is held off the bottom by four feet cast into the end fitting.

Even though when restored the boat will have a true “5200” bottom with an inner ply and planking, the self-bailer will be installed for originality, along with a 6-volt Lovett bilge pump just in case of an emergency.

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